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Can Astragalus Treat Heart Disease?
2023-11-21 11:03:37

Astragalus has a long history of medicinal use as its root.


Pharmacological studies have found that Astragalus contains choline, coumarin, folic acid, amino acids, betaine, saponins, sugars, proteins, riboflavins, flavane compounds, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and various trace elements such as selenium, zinc, copper, and manganese. Sweet in taste, slightly warm in nature, it has the effects of tonifying qi and strengthening the surface, diuresis, strengthening the heart, reducing blood pressure, antibacterial, detoxifying, purulent discharge, promoting muscle growth, strengthening capillary resistance, antiperspiration, and sex hormones. It can treat superficial deficiency, spontaneous sweating, qi deficiency, internal injury, spleen deficiency, diarrhea, edema, and carbuncle. Due to its ability to prevent the reduction of liver sugar, Astragalus has a protective effect on the liver, and can promote the increase of white blood cells in the human blood. It can resist the reduction of white blood cells caused by chemicals, radiation, or other reasons, significantly improving the phagocytic function of the monocyte macrophage system and white blood cells. But the main function of Astragalus is still to nourish the middle and replenish qi, promote diuresis and reduce swelling, which is most suitable for the syndrome of deficiency, obesity, and swelling.

Some people, under the guidance of doctors, can treat heart disease by eating Astragalus. Astragalus has the effects of tonifying qi and yang, strengthening the body's health, promoting diuresis and swelling, and promoting blood circulation. It is often used as a health product. If patients have heart disease, it is recommended to go to the hospital for relevant examinations in a timely manner and receive corresponding treatment under the guidance of a doctor.

1.      Supplementing Qi and Promoting Yang: Astragalus can replenish Qi. If patients have symptoms of heart qi deficiency, such as palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, and fatigue, eating Astragalus can play a role in replenishing Qi and promoting Yang, and can treat heart disease.

2.      Tonifying Qi and Strengthening Exterior of the Body: If the patient has Qi deficiency syndrome, manifested as symptoms such as muscle weakness, sweating, and repeated colds, eating Astragalus can play a role in nourishing Qi and strengthening the surface, and can treat heart disease.

3.      Water Retention and Swelling Reduction: If patients experience symptoms such as edema, Astragalus has the beneficial effect of water retention and swelling reduction, which can treat symptoms such as edema caused by heart disease.

4.      Generating Fluid and Nourishing Blood: If a patient has symptoms such as heart yin deficiency, restlessness, excessive dreaming, and dry mouth and tongue, eating Astragalus can play a role in generating fluid and nourishing blood, and can treat heart disease.

Dear friends, if you are interested in Astragalus products, please feel free to write to our company:

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EMAIL: michael@pnp6.com

Phone: +86-771-5471096

CELL: 18074804455

WEBSITE: http://www.pnp6.com

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