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How to use Astragalus to Improve Impotence
2023-12-19 06:38:19

Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge is a plant in the family Leguminosae and genus Astragalus.  Astragalus  has a long history of medicinal use.   The part used is its root.

Astragalus membranaceus is a common traditional Chinese medicine used in the treatment of impotence and premature ejaculation. Eating Astragalus membranaceus in proper ways can stimulate the erection of the penis, making it as hard as an iron rod.

Some recipes of Astragalus for improving impotence are as follows:

1.      Astragalus with ginseng

Astragalus is good at tonifying qi and elevating yang, promoting health and strengthening the exterior, and tends to warm, nourish, and protect the body; Ginseng is good at tonifying vitality, generating fluids, and quenching thirst, but tends to nourish and strengthen. The combination of two medicines is an important combination of sweetness, warmth, and qi.

This recipe is suitable for impotence caused by physical weakness of deficiency, such as fatigue, lack of food, and self-sweating.

2.    Astragalus with radix aconiti carmichael

Astragalus is good at tonifying qi and elevating yang, promoting health and strengthening the exterior; radix aconiti carmichael is good at reviving yang and rescuing adversity, warming the kidneys and assisting yang. The combination of two medicines can enhance the effects of warming the inner body, assisting yang, consolidating the surface, and stopping sweating.

3. Astragalus with Atractylodes macrocephala

Astragalus is good at nourishing qi and tonifying deficiency; Baizhu is good at strengthening the spleen and nourishing qi. The combination of two medicines can enhance the effect of tonifying qi and invigorating the spleen.

4. Astragalus with Angelica sinensis

Astragalus nourishes the qi of the spleen and lungs, serving as a source of nourishing blood; Angelica sinensis nourishes the heart and liver with blood to nourish and nourish the body. The combination of two medicines can enhance the effect of nourishing qi and generating blood.

5. Astragalus with Cimicifuga

Astragalus is sweet and warm, and is good at tonifying qi and promoting yang; Cimicifuga has a sweet and slightly cold taste, and is good at relieving external symptoms and promoting yang. The combination of two medicines can enhance the effect of lifting yang and sinking.

6. Astragalus with Saposhnikovia

Astragalus nourishes qi and solidifies the exterior; Prevent wind, dispel wind and relieve external symptoms. The combination of two medicines can carry Astragalus to replenish qi throughout the body. Astragalus can disperse wind without fixing evil, while Astragalus can solidify the surface without dispersing wind. The application of the combination of dispersing and supplementing, as well as supplementing and dispersing, is to promote mutual respect and mutual use.

7. Astragalus with Cinnamomi Ramulus

Astragalus is good at nourishing qi and promoting blood circulation; Cinnamomi Ramulus is good at warming meridians and promoting meridians. The combination of two medicines can enhance the effects of tonifying qi, unblocking meridians, warming meridians, and blood circulation.

Dear friends, if you are interested in Astragalus, please feel free to write to our company:

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