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How to Use Astragalus to Nourish the Heart
2023-12-19 07:25:17

How to Use Astragalus to Nourish the Heart

The present article introduces two dietary therapy formulas of Astragalus that protect the heart as follows:

I.                 Astragalus and Hawthorn

To protect the heart, the first step is to unblock blood vessels. Hawthorn itself promotes blood circulation and blood stasis, and when combined with Astragalus membranaceus to replenish qi, it is like not only adding cleaning agents to the water pipe, but also increasing the water pressure. So, all the messy and dirty garbage in the water pipe must be washed clean? You should know that blood stasis and thrombosis are really the source of many major diseases, and one must be cautious: cerebral blood stasis is cerebral thrombosis; Lower limb blood stasis can lead to venous thrombosis; Pulmonary blood stasis is pulmonary embolism; Blood stasis in the heart can lead to angina and myocardial infarction.

Astragalus Hawthorn Drink is suitable for the health and wellness of heart failure with blood stasis type heart disease and coronary heart disease, because Astragalus can improve heart qi. Like Ginseng, it is a necessary emergency medicine for many heart failure and heart diseases. Once the heart qi fails, the heart is gone, and this type of disease is also caused by congestion in the heart and lungs. Therefore, supplementing qi and removing blood stasis are used together to protect your small heart!

II.               Drink of Astragalus with Rhodiola and Ligusticum Wallichii

To prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarction from the source, special attention should be paid to an invisible skin - the endothelium of blood vessels.

1.      The importance of vascular endothelium

Blood vessels are divided into the media, inner membrane, and outer membrane. The thin layer of cells on the inner membrane of blood vessels is called the endothelium, which is a functional tissue of the human body and plays three important roles.


1)      Barrier effect

A healthy and smooth vascular endothelium can prevent the deposition of lipids and other substances on the vascular wall. Once it is damaged, the lipids flowing in the blood deposit on the vascular wall, forming plaques over time. Once the plaques rupture, they can cause myocardial infarction.

2)      Contraction and dilation of blood vessels

The endothelium of blood vessels can synthesize and secrete various bioactive substances to ensure the normal contraction and relaxation of blood vessels.

3)      Antithrombotic

Complete endothelial cells contain natural anticoagulant components that can reduce thrombosis and fibrinolysis.

2.      Preparation and administration methods of IDrink of Astragalus with Rhodiola and Ligusticum Wallichii

Regular consumption of Drink of Astragalus with Rhodiola and Ligusticum Wallichii helps to protect vascular endothelium. The method of making this drink is as follows: put 6-10 grams of Astragalus with Rhodiola and Ligusticum Wallichii each into a pot to boil them together in water for 20 minutes and take them continuously for about 3 months to 6 months.

Dear friends, if you are interested in Astragalus, please feel free to write to our company:

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