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How to Use Safflower to Improve Impotence?
2024-01-15 11:11:26

Safflower has an improving effect on organic impotence.


There are two main causes of organic impotence:


1. Vascular causes


Normal vascular function is the basis of physiological erection of the penis. Therefore, any disease that may lead to abnormal blood flow in the cavernous body of the penis, such as atherosclerosis, arterial injury, arterial stenosis, penile artery shunt and abnormal cardiac function, can lead to ED. Almost all risk factors that can lead to hypertension, such as smoking, hyperlipidemia, obesity, can increase the incidence rate of ED.


2. Neurogenic causes


Central and peripheral nervous system diseases or injuries can all lead to ED. Such as stroke, tumor, Parkinson's disease, myelopathy, lumbar disc disease, multiple sclerosis, multiple atrophy, diabetes, alcoholism, uremia, multiple neuropathy and other diseases that may affect nerves.


Safflower is helpful for male sexual function. Safflower has the effects of promoting blood circulation, unblocking meridians, removing blood stasis, and relieving pain. It can be used to treat symptoms such as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, chest pain, blood stasis, abdominal pain, and injuries caused by falls and injuries. If men experience sexual dysfunction, it may be due to long-term staying up late, excessive mental stress, prostatitis, and other reasons. Patients may experience symptoms such as decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation. Safflower can promote blood circulation, increase blood supply, and thus improve male sexual function.


This article recommends three recipes for safflower to improve impotence as follows:


1. Red flower with Goji Berries: It has the function of nourishing the liver and kidney, nourishing the mind, and promoting intelligence. Paired with red flower, it helps to promote blood circulation, unblock meridians, dispel blood stasis, and relieve pain, effectively improving the condition of kidney yang deficiency and achieving the effect of strengthening yang. Cooking method: take 9g of Safflower, 15g of Goji Berries, add 500g of water to simmer for 30 minutes.


2. Red flower with Deer Antler Glue: Red flower with Deer Antler Glue helps to warm and nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish essence and blood, and effectively improve symptoms such as lower back and knee soreness, impotence, and nocturnal emissions caused by liver and kidney deficiency. Cooking method: take 9g of Safflower, 6g of Deer Antler Glue, add 500g of water to simmer for 30 minutes.


3. Red flower with Cistanche: Red flower paired with Cistanche can play a role in tonifying kidney yang, nourishing essence and blood, moistening the intestines and promoting bowel movements. It can effectively improve the symptoms of impotence, nocturnal emissions, uterine cold infertility, waist and knee soreness, and fear of cold caused by kidney yang deficiency and insufficient essence and blood. Cooking method: take 9g of safflower, 9g of Cistanche, add 500g of water to simmer for 30 minutes.


Dear friends, if you are interested in safflower products, please feel free to write to our company:


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