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How to Use Astragalus to Prevent Myocardial Infarction?
2024-03-04 11:27:27

Astragalus can play a good role in preventing myocardial infarction.

Most of the causes of myocardial infarction are coronary atherosclerotic plaque or thrombosis on this basis, resulting in the blockage of the vascular lumen, which blocks the blood vessels, acute and continuous ischemia and hypoxia of the heart, resulting in myocardial necrosis, cardiac arrest.

To prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarction from the source, everyone should pay more attention to an invisible "skin" - the endothelium of blood vessels. It has a great effect and can be called a guardian of blood vessels.

Blood vessels are divided into the media, inner membrane, and outer membrane. The inner layer of the inner membrane of blood vessels is called the endothelium, which is the largest functional tissue in the human body and covers the entire body. The endothelium of blood vessels has three functions:

One is the barrier effect, which prevents lipids and other substances from depositing on the blood vessel wall, avoiding the formation of plaques and causing myocardial infarction;

The second is the role of constricting and relaxing blood vessels;

Thirdly, it has an anti thrombotic effect.

Astragalus contains polysaccharides, monosaccharides, betaine, folic acid, various amino acids, gum, cellulose, and trace elements. It can stimulate the central nervous system, enhance the phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system, improve disease resistance, improve cardiovascular function, dilate blood vessels, and lower blood pressure, thereby protecting the vascular endothelium and ultimately helping to prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarction.

This article recommends a dietary recipe that uses Astragalus to prevent myocardial infarction as follows:

1.       Materials

a.      Astragalus: tonifying qi and promoting yang, it has a protective and repairing effect on vascular damage

b.      Rhodiola: Anti hypoxia, beneficial to qi and blood circulation, protecting vascular endothelium

c.      Ligusticum wallichii: promoting qi and blood circulation, protecting vascular endothelium

 2. Dosage

grams of each medicinal herb.

3.      Preparation and administration methods

Drink it by soaking it in water, preferably boiling it for 20 minutes to half an hour, which can better exert the medicinal effect. Persist in drinking for three months to six months for daily conditioning purposes.

Dear friends, if you are interested in Astragalus, please feel free to write to our company:

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